Teachers as a factor for the development of key competence cultural expression among students

  • Svetlana Pandiloska Grncharovska
  • Fadbi Osmani
  • Gordana Stankovska


The economic and social changes in a society in transition that strives towards opening up andbecoming multicultural by respecting the diversity, uniqueness and individuality of an individual reflect on theentire educational system and require changes in the role of teachers. This does not imply a completely newrole. It only implies a change of accent, all for the purpose of achieving qualities and skills (standards andcompetences) that modern teachers should have. Teachers have a key role in encouraging students todevelop their talents and realize their potential in order to achieve personal growth and wellbeing. It is theteachers that act as a bridge between the fast-developing world and the students who are about to join thisworld. The teaching profession is becoming ever more complex and is constantly put against ever morecomplex challenges. Research shows that there is a significant positive interdependence between the qualityof teachers and the achievements of students. Namely, the influence of the quality of teachers on theachievements of the students is considerable compared to other factors such as organization, management,and financial factors. The key cultural expression competence implies that a student should know his or herorigin and identity in order to raise their awareness about their own values and prejudices. Understandingone’s own personal and cultural competences and beliefs is one of the ways of respecting the importance ofmulticultural identity in people’s lives.


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