The Influence of Pollination in Different Phases of Development the Bloosom Over the Seed Number in Tomato Fruit from the Aspect of the Heterogenous Seed Production

  • Milan Georgievski


Hybridization of 12 tomato varieties and lines has been done.Theinfluence of pollination in different flowering stages over the seed number hasbeen analized. The results showed that the development of the flowering stageannounce the maturity of the pollen. The stigma is ready to receive pollen at theend of the second phase , but in that moment there are a small number of ripenbuds. The flower development increased the number of the ripen buds. Therefor, averege for all combinations the middle values for the number of seed infruit, were in the first variant the lowest (21,16), in the second a litltle more(48,36) and in the third and the fourth variant the values were higher. The last,fourth variant was too close to the control variant, but it doesnmt mean that wehad to use it in practice.


Даскалов Х.(1974): Хетерозист и ползуването му в зеленчукопроизводството. Пловдив, 54.

Јорданов М. (1963): Проучване влианието на полена и близанцето врху силата на хетерозисни ефект при доматите. Изв. на VI та по зем.култура "Марица" 3.

Јорданов М. (1963): Проучване биологијата на цветането, опрашуването и оплождането на домата вв врска с хетерозисното семепроизводство. Пловдив.

Sing R.K., Chandhary B.D.(1963): Biometrical techniques in genetics and breeding-Partial diallel.118-132 Hissar,India.


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