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- Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, Biljana Atanasova, Vasil Mitev, Pests on Tomatoes Caused by Tomato Leaf Miner Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) in Strumica Region , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 11 No. 1 (2011): Yearbook 2011
- Mite Ilievski, Goce Vasilevski, Liljana Koleva Gudeva, Dragica Spasova, Dalibor Jovanov, Динамика на репродуктивниот развој kaj меката пченица во различни системи на производство , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 11 No. 1 (2011): Yearbook 2011
- Dragica Spasova, Sasa Mitrev, Mite Ivanovski, Dusan Spasov, Basic Characteristics of the New Wheat Variety Mila (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare) , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 4 No. 1 (2004): Yearbook 2004/2005
- Vasil Kocevski, Sasa Mitrev, Milan Gjeorgjievski, Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, The Influence of NPK Fertalizations, Mn and Zn on the Yield of Industrial Tomatoes , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001): Yearbook 2001
- Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, Milan Georgievski, Ilija Karov, Vasil Kocevski, Dobrin Jakimov, Состојбата со болести, штетници и плевели кај семенската пченица во периодот од 1966-2000 година , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: 1990: Зборник на абстракти 1990-2000
- Ilija Karov, Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, Liljana Koleva-Gudeva, Sasa Mitrev, Butomus Umbellatus new Weed at The Rice Fields in Macedonia , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001): Yearbook 2001
- Ilija Karov, Sasa Mitrev, Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, Milan Gjeorgjievski, Rust of Garlic, Leek an Onion , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 2 No. 1 (2002): Yearbook 2002
- Dusan Spasov, Sasa Mitrev, Dragica Spasova, Milan Gjeorgievski, Ilija Karov, Vasil Kocevski, Dobrin Jakimov, The Condition of Diseases, Pest and Weeds on the Seed Wheat in the Period of 1996-2000 year , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001): Yearbook 2001
- Milan Georgievski, Dusan Spasov, Dragica Spasova, Mikica Cavdarova, The Influence of the Climatic Conditions on Blooming and Insemination of Tomatoes , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 2 No. 1 (2002): Yearbook 2002
- Mite Ilievski, Dragica Spasova, Dusan Spasov, Milan Gjeorgjievski, Risto Kukutanov, Biljana Atanasova, N Kirov, The Influence of Some Types of Fertilizers on the Yield of Industrial Tomatoes , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 4 No. 1 (2004): Yearbook 2004/2005