Rust of Garlic, Leek an Onion
The research was conducted in the second half of 2001, in 2002, and inthe first quarter of 2003.A large number of binocular and microscopic examinations wereconducted on the gathered contaminated plant material, from which wasconcluded that Puccinia porri (Sow.) Winter most often appears on leek andgarlic, and that Puccinia allii (D.C.) Rudolph can be seen on onion, leek andgarlic.References
Aleksic, Ž., Aleksic, D., Šutic, D. (1990): Bolesti povrca i njihovo suzbijanje. Nolit. Beograd.
Gjaerum, H. B., Langnes, R. (1981): Lok-og purrerust. Gartneryrket 71. 482.
Harrison, J.M. (1987): Observations on the occurrence of telia of Puccinia porri on leeks in the UK. Plant Pathologi. 36: 114-115.
Uma, N. U., and Taylor, G. S. (1987): Parasitism of leek rust Uredinospores by four fungi. Trans. Br. Mycolog. Soc. 88: 335-340.