Basic Characteristics of the New Wheat Variety Mila (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare)
Mila is the first new bread wheat variety created in the Institute ofSouthern Crops in Strumica. It was obtained by reselection, with individualselection from improved cultivar Radika-2.The new variety Mila was approved in 2004. During the investigationin the period 2002/03-2003/04 organized by State Commission for VarietiesApproval, Mila reached an average yield of 8.570 kg/ha, which was 6.2%higher compared to the variety Radika.Mila posseses high genetic potential for the yield, which is over 11t/ha. Regarding some technological parameters (starchiness, yield and breadvolume) this variety shows higher values compared to the variety Radika-2.Mila has averagely 10.5% higher flour yield and 11.7% higher bread yield thanthe variety Radika.According to the chemical and technological characteristics of kernel,Mila is classified in the II quality class, B1 technological subgroup Mila, whichmake it a very good bread wheat variety.References
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Rezultati od ispituvawata na Republickata sortna komisija za poledelski i gradinarski rastenija od 2003-2004 godina, Skopje.