Economical Effects from Production of Organic Aflaalfa under Irrigation in Ovce Pole

  • Ljupco Mihajlov
  • Petar Kletnikoski


During 2007 and 2008, on an alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) fi eld of 24 hectares, in private ownership, a research was done to assess the economical effects of alfalfa organic production. The aim of the research was to analyze, identify and present the economical justifi cation of the organic production of alfalfa under the irrigation system in Ovce Pole. The total costs (2 151 000 den.) and the cost price per unit of a product (7,47 den/kg), in the fi rst production year, when the perennial crop was established, are higher, and the total profi t (199 000 den.) and profi t per unit of an area are minimal ( 7642 den./ha.). The profi t in the fi rst year is a result of the governmental subsidies for organic alfalfa production. In the second year, the total costs (1 263 000 den) and the cost price per unit of a product (3,51 den/kg) are lower, the total income is 2 892 000 den, namely the profi t per unit of an area is 54 562 den/ ha. The production of organic alfalfa is profi table in conditions of irrigation, if there are fi ve mows during the alfalfa vegetation, and if the average yield of dry baled alfalfa is 3 000kg/ha from one mowing and average purchase price is above 7,5 den/kg.


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