The values of educative function in relation parent-school

  • Ardita Ceka
  • Rabije Murati


Any discussion about the human ecosystem must deal with the family, because it is the first and veryimportant social group for the children. As the main place of human development, families are the most basicand enduring social institutions. At the same time, families are changing all the time in response to theirmembers’ need and the pressures of the society around them.In this paper we have presented problems families meet concerning values of the educative functionof their children. Families as social groups have many duties and obligations, which are: childcare, theireducation, the value of the development of children and children's school success.This paper is very interesting and very important because we will present the reason which made thevalues of the educative function of the family and the success of children in school. The main objective ofparents is that their children have excellent success in school and they would achieve them if they have goodcooperation with school and teachers.In modern society, the school success of pupils is in the interest of the family. This success will beachieved when the communication school-family is present at all times, because school and family representtwo important factors in the education of the younger generation.


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