Electronic versus traditional test for mathematics in primary schools

  • Katerina Paneva


Nowadays, all modern companies, institutions and schools use a variety of modern tools for teachingand learning, and they also use modern methods for testing and measuring the capabilities of theachievements of everyone who is involved in the process for acquiring knowledge. Schools as generators ofpeople’s knowledge (regardless of their age) by establishing a staff for raising people’s expertise,competencies, skills and overall material and spiritual development are institutions in which it is very importantto make quality analysis of the final result measured from knowledge of the students. The fastest and the mosteffective way to perform that analysis is by using computer software for that purpose.The research was done during the 2014/15 academic year in two primary schools on the territory ofSveti Nikole in math subject in VIII grade, and in each of the two schools two classes were selected - one ofthe classes was tested with traditional tests with pencil or pen on a piece of paper and the other class wastested through software for electronic testing on computer. There were three tests in each of the schools forthe same topic.The survey results reflect the real state that will be taken into consideration when organizing the workin schools (the basis for the analysis is the process of e-testing and its practical implementation in schools, ifthere is need for it).


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Асоцијација за унапредување на користењето на компјутери во образованието (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. AACE ) Преземено на 2 јуни 2015г. http://www.aace.org/CONF/elearn/symposium2008.htm.

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА. Преземено на 2 јуни 2015г. http://www.mon.gov.mk/.

Спроведување на компјутерското размислување (Bringing computational thinking). Преземено на 3 јуни 2015г. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1929905.

ClassMarker (Online Testing Free Quiz Maker Create the Best web-based quizzes) http://www.classmarker.com
