Higher education in the period of transition

  • Verica Josimovska


Education as an instrument of positive change in the society in its permanent evaluation has animpact on the very transformation of the system. This paper addresses the necessity for promoting highereducation, academic freedom and university autonomy in times of transition from one social system to another.An intensive reorganization of the national education system has begun with the new Europeanstandardization in higher education, which followed the signing of the Bologna Declaration. The entire teachingprocess is directed towards the adoption of as many information as possible and their reproduction (bymemorizing) and the development of creativity and critical thinking of the student is neglected. Hence theadoption of knowledge in the Bologna system is valuably neutral and separated from moral and national valueswhich it should serve. In this regard the academic community and universities would inevitably have to beactive participants in the creation of the educational system in the country and not just beneficiaries of the lawsand rules.


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