Review of adolescent literature through comparative analysis of the novels "The blue path of love" by Metodi Manev and "Voice of love" from Grozdana Olujic

  • Jovanka Denkova


First of all, this paper reviews the challenges that adolescent literature faces nowadays, its mostcommon topics and motives and its pedagogical function. We shall shortly pay attention to the presence of thisliterature in the works of Macedonian authors and then we shall focus on this turbulent period in the novels forchildren and young people by Grozdana Olujik and Metodi Manev, the problems that their heroes are facedwith; we shall make a comparison between the two families that the heroes come from and the love whichtakes the first place as a moving force among people. For that purpose, examples from the novels shall beelaborated, which shall assist in proving the thesis: regardless of which society we belong to, regardless of thesocial class, the adolescence is present everywhere. We shall be introduced to heroes who are in the periodbetween childhood and maturity, heroes who want to show and prove themselves, to be at the center ofattention. All of them go through this rough period of time or, with delay, they are faced with the changes sothey are changed as well, and they gradually enter the maturity period, i.e. the world of adults.c


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