Postmodern concepts of foucault's education and its relationship with discipline
The famous postmodern French philosopher Michel Foucault, analyzing the society of 18th, 19th and20th century, concluded that it was dominated by a discipline that did not apply brutal repression, but wasimplemented with detailed control of gestures, behaviors and use of leisure time.Thus an individual is constantly moving from one closed environment into another, starting from family, thengoing to school, then military, workshop, sometimes in hospital, prison - transitions that are characterized bystatements such as - You're not where you were before any more! (home, school ..).The functioning and organization of schools is slowly but surely impressed by the model of a monastery and aconvict represented as the perfect educational model where students are trained to be convinced to respond inthe same way to the signals without ever thinking, explaining that this is the only rational way of socialfunctioning.Functioning in this manner, according to Foucault, the school is moving away from its original missioneducatingactive citizens, which means that its role is no longer either teaching the individual to defendmaterial, social and professional interests or for political battle for power, but to initiate political life.Downloads
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