Formation of tolerance in adolescents
Tolerance is defined as one of the most important social competencies - willingness and ability ofpeople to live and act constructively in the diverse world. It has become a significant strategic objective and theproblem has become extremely popular in psychology and pedagogy. Tolerance is not a goal but a means;this is the minimum essential and necessary quality of social relationships, which removes violence andcoercion. Tolerance educates and targets education as socialization of young people and is the most directway of forming and strengthening social values. Education for tolerance is the formation of values. The schoolshould be a center of education for tolerance, a place where tolerance is practiced and taught. Adolescentsadopt different social relationships and roles in the world; growing up, they are increasingly geared to theirpeers, friends, they create an external and valuable to them social circle. Parents giving them some freedomare bound to be a reliable support to give them a sense of confidence in difficult situations. Upbringing oftolerance in the family means a manifestation of respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity ofcultures in our world as forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality.Downloads
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