The influence and the effectiveness of formative assessment and the feedback in students’ success and achievements

  • Valdeta Zenuni-Idrizi


Formative assessment includes diagnosis of prior knowledge, setting and following goals andevaluating the achieved results. It enables the students to gain qualitative feedback on improving theirknowledge. So, the aim of the research was to ascertain how formative evaluation and feedback affect theimprovement of the teacher’s success and also the objective assessment of students’ achievements. Based onthis purpose, and on the complexity of the problem posed above, we defined to apply the inductive, deductive,comparative and statistical method. During the realization of this research, the instruments that were usedwere: a questionnaire for teachers and a questionnaire for students. They were posed to 120 teachers and 120students from elementary schools. By common consent it is concluded that both the students and the teachersalso stated that monitoring and formative evaluation of students and feedback are the key factors influencingthe success and achievements of the students. This information gives us an overview about the teachingquality in elementary school.


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