Aesthetic education of educators as a future challenge

  • Valentina Pajaziti
  • Vlora Marku-Tuqi


Aesthetic appropriation through practice activity develops conscience, feelings and thoughts, spiritualworld, relation between aesthetic teaching, residence the movement, combination, physical appearance -these are the essential characteristics of each educator in teaching or in any research educator. With thedevelopment of aesthetic education in teaching we automatically participate in the raising of cultural and socialeducation. The support of the art language has been and continues to be one of the main values of aestheticeducation. Arts exerts a powerful influence on society as a multifaceted aesthetic education. Everyone hasartistic certain form, has his imagination of beauty. In the future it is important that educators have an aestheticattitude in teaching and this attitude is defined by physical appearance, dress, movements, way of talking andbehavior. The development of aesthetic education of educators affects the enrichment of sensitivity and thiscan help educators a lot.


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