Social and communicational-interactive competences of teachers and students in education

  • Florina Shehu


Modern scientific findings show the importance and need for encouragement, support anddevelopment of social and communicational-interactive competences of teachers and students in education.This question is quite complex because of the interdependence of impacts, context, experience, expectationsand training of all relevant factors. In educational practice there are some approaches and interpretations ofwhich social and communicational-interactive competences of teachers and students who consider them as akind of the so-called “natural developed process and results” which occur spontaneously and naturally from theestablished relations of participants in the educational process.In this context, from the conducted empirical research (quantitative and qualitative research,conducted with teachers and students of primary education, with different cultural background, age, etc.), theneed for a more serious approach to the development of social and communicational-interactive competencescan be seen, especially if we take into account the upbringing, educational, cultural, and social context as wellas the developmental characteristics, needs and personalities of the persons involved in social andcommunication interaction. The findings suggest the need to strengthen the initial (pre-service) andprofessional (in-service) training of teachers, as well as to develop strategies and models for the developmentof social and communicational-interactive competences of students through permanent improvement of theeducational work and practice itself.


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