Research of the conflict zones in the system of interpersonal relationships of the child by the methodology of Rene Gille
The methodology of Rene Gille is chosen for this particular research because it can demonstrate theconflict zones in the system of interpersonal relations of a child, allowing intervention in these relations byinfluencing the perspective development of the child. In addition to that, the examination of the socialadaptability of the child is considered to be the main aim, its interpersonal relations and characteristics,perception of interfamilial relations and some characteristics of their behavior.The methodology is designed to examine children at the age of 4-12. Its easy applicability andscheme distinguish it from other projective methods for ease of study and the possibility of more precisequantitative and qualitative assessment. It cannot be considered only as projective. What is typical about it isthat it is combined with a survey – an advantage in the in-depth analysis of a person. The methodology allowsfor information on the children’s behavior towards other people, in family surrounding and other places as welltowards certain events.The psychological material characterizing the system of interpersonal relations of the child canprovisionally be divided in two groups of examples: those of specifically personal relations of the child: relationstowards family surrounding (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister and others) relationstowards others (friends), authoritative adults (teacher) and other examples characterizing the child andoccurring in different types of relations: communication, tactics, susceptibility to domination, compliance,tolerance, socially adequate behavior.Downloads
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ССВД - Семейные и социальные взаиоотношения ребёнка. Полупроективная методика - Рене Жиля - ( psikhodiagnostika-le-test-film-rene-gille (януари, 2013 г.)