Educational needs and achievements of roma children and other children from marginal ethnic group in RM
Multicultural education is an approach that allows students to understand the respect and appreciatecultural differences and similarities, and to recognize the achievements of different ethnic, racial, age, class,gender and religious groups. This approach seeks to some extent to smooth relations between these groups insociety, whether belonging to the dominant or groups because of systemic oppression are disadvantaged orare discriminated against.More experts in this area believe that Macedonia is a country where there are conditions formulticultural education and successful integration children from marginalized communities in our upbringing -educational system.But we believe that through more independent research to be done to test the educational needs ofRoma children and children of other marginal communities, need to prove our claims that the scope ofcoverage of Roma children and other students from different ethnic communities primary schools in thecountry, despite the systemic oppression, have a major impact and other socio -economic and cultural factors.This primarily refers to the lower socio - economic status of Roma families, the traditional way of lifeand cultural milieu, the inability to invest in the education of their children by Roma families, ignorance of thelanguage of instruction in primary schools, low cultural and educational level of the parents of these children,the size of the family, patriarchal or anarchic type of family, early marriage and so on.Downloads
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