• Stojance Mijalkovski
  • Zoran Despodov
  • Nikolinka Doneva
  • Vancho Adjiski


Ore dilution and ore recovery/losses have an important role in calculatingthe total reserves of mineral resources. Increased ore losses are causing bigproduction costs and aslo reduces the ore reserves in the deposit and theproduction life of the mine.The primary goal of this science paper is to present the reasons for orelosses, the economic consequences and the method for calculating the orelosses in underground mines for metal minerals.


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How to Cite
Mijalkovski, S., Despodov, Z., Doneva, N., & Adjiski, V. (2016). ORE LOSSES IN UNDERGROUND MINES FOR METAL MINERALS. Natural Resources and Technology, 10(10). Retrieved from https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/NRT/article/view/1536

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