This paper deals with French grammatical constructions with an optional direct object attribute, such as: Je bois le thé chaud/Чајот го пијам врел (I drink the tea hot), containing an attribute verb (boire), a direct object complement (le thé) and an attribute (chaud) which describes a property or a trait of the direct object. Starting from the fact that the metalinguistic and the functional equivalent of the French attribute in Macedonian grammar is the nominal part of the verbo-nominal predicate, our first goal is to verify whether in these constructions, i.e. in their Macedonian equivalents, the adjective performs this same function or some other. Another aspect to consider when analyzing these constructions is that they cover various adverbial meanings at the semantic level. Starting from the assumption that in the Macedonian language, the most frequent equivalent is a time sentence, in this paper we will also verify which other adverbial equivalents are found in Macedonian. When it comes to the Macedonian equivalents, it is interesting that there are two possible variants for translating such constructions that are completely different. Namely, beside the above-mentioned equivalent Чајот го пијам врел (I drink the tea hot), the example Je bois le thé chaud can also be translated as Јас го пијам врелиот чај (I drink the hot tea), because in the French construction, the adjective chaud, beside as an attribute, can also be interpreted as an epithet of the direct subject le thé. The purpose here is to verify what is the function of the adjective in the Macedonian equivalents of those constructions.
Keywords: attribute, direct object, equivalents, French language, Macedonian language.
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