The paper is a review of one of the most important philosophical studies in the history of Macedonian philosophy in general. The author of the three-volume philosophical work titled "Russian-Religious Philosophy", that is the subject of attention in this paper, is the prominent Macedonian professor, philosopher, writer and publicist Trajche Stojanov. In the first volume of this book, the author focuses on the contexts in which The Russian religious philosophy was born as well as some resulted phenomena associated with it. The second volume gives us a systematic review of the history of Russian religious-philosophical thought from its beginnings up to now ..The last volume is devoted to the central problems in The Russian religious philosophy and it is the key, as well as the most imperative and most complex problem and presents a synthesis of all previously stated. Russian religious-philosophical thought is specific, unique, dynamic, discreetly mystical and controversial, and therefore requires thorough and serious study and elaboration.Through a meticulous, recent approach and a high standard of scientific methodology, the author of this book offers us all relevant indicators, facts, positions and implications related to the Russian religious philosophy. By analyzing all that is significant in the Russian philosophy this work emphasizes the great importance of the Book of Trajche Stojanov.
Keywords: Russian religious philosophy, Ecclesial knowledge , Wholeunity, Sofia, Goodmanhood, Russian idea, Cosmism.
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