• Marija Stojanoska
  • Violeta Janusheva


The gender sensitive language (GSL), among other things, especially refers to the nouns denoting professions/roles which are used in the masculine gender form, including persons from male and female sex. The present paper analyzes gender matters content, and mainly the GSL to obtain a general picture of the Macedonia’s maturity to join the extended GSL debate. The sample consists of large number of Internet sources related to gender to­pics and GSL, which are a result of searching on Google according to key word, and the ana­­lysis rests upon the qualitative content analysis and the interpretative-inductive method. The research results demonstrate that there are countless content regarding the strengthening of the equality between women and men, but there is a lack of content with respect to deepening the gender fairness through the language. The results show that there is spo­ra­dic use of the feminine nouns designating professions/roles as well, which indicates a positive di­rection with reference to GSL in Macedonia.

Keywords: Macedonian GSL; nouns; profession; role.


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How to Cite
Stojanoska, M., & Janusheva, V. (2023). MACEDONIAN GENDER SENSITIVE LANGUAGE. PALIMPSEST / ПАЛИМПСЕСТ, 8(15), 95-105.

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