The use of literary texts is an essential tool in teaching a foreign language as it offers opportunities to expand students' knowledge of the language, culture, and history of different countries. Learning a foreign language goes beyond merely understanding its vocabulary and syntax; it also involves engaging with the foreign culture. This approach sensitizes individuals to both their own culture and the foreign culture. Literary texts are an integral part of foreign language learning. They are not only helpful but also necessary; therefore, literary texts should be consistently present in foreign language lessons. However, it is observed that these texts have been neglected in the teaching of foreign languages, despite teachers having access to a wide variety of literary genres and works that can and should be included in the instruction and learning of the foreign language. The use of literary texts in teaching foreign languages poses a challenge for both teachers and learners. The questions that arise pertain to what to read, how to read, and to what extent reading aids in cultivating language, communicative, socio-pragmatic, and encyclopedic competencies. In this context, our work aims to address several problematic questions related to the teaching, acquisition, and use of the German language. Some of these questions include the following: What role and function does literature play in teaching a foreign language? How are literary texts integrated into German language textbooks/methods? What types of exercises are offered in relation to literary texts?
Keywords: German as a foreign language; language competence; intercultural competence; literary texts; literary didactics.
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