Evaluation of Some Cherry Tomato Genotypes and Determination of Their Ability for In Vitro Micropropagation
Cherry tomato is a variety that is poorly present at our fields, mainly due tothe traditional habits of the consumers and the commercial tomato producers togrow tomato varieties with large fruit. Cherry tomato - Lycopersicon esculentumMill. var. cerasiforme (Dunal) is a tomato variety with small fruit, but can havedifferent shapes and colors, and it is used mainly for fresh consumption. Thefeatures of this variety are portrayed by its sweetness and aroma, which furtherenriche the taste of food. During this research, a comparative analysis of themorphological traits in this type of tomato in outdoor production conditions,as well as in protected environment was performed. The possibilities forproduction and maintenance in plant cell culture were researched as well,with a goal of improving the morphological and biological features of cherrytomato.References
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