Micropropagation of Some Ornamental Plants

  • Liljana Koleva Gudeva
  • Mirko Spasenoski


Till now many horticulture plants have been successfully regeneratedon in vitro conditions. Among them there are ornamental plants such as: Rosa -miniature pot roses; Myrillocactus geometrizans - cacti, succulent plant;Echinopsis spachiana - cacti, succulent plant and Dianthus cariophyllus –carnation.Regeneration or micropropagation has been used for production ofcopies (clones) of the original unique plants (Hussery, 1986). Depending on thespecies, apical or axillar buds was used for micropropagation.


Ault J.R.R. and Blacknon W.J. 1987: In vitro propagation of Ferocactus acanthoides (Cactaceae) Hort Science,22, 126-127.

Arnold et al. 1992: A study of the effect of growth regulators and time of plantlet harvest on the in vitro multiplication rate of hardy and hibrid tea Roses. J. Hort. Science, 67, 727-735.

Bhojwani S.S. 1990: Plant Tissue Culture:Applications and limitations: Tissue culture in relation to ornamental plants 161-190,

Frey L.1992: Somatic embriogenesis in carnation. Hort.Sc. 27:63-65.

George, E.F. 1996: Plant Propagation by tissue culture: Part 2 In Practice. Exegetics Ltd. Edington. England.

Koleva-Gudeva Liljana, Spasenoski M., Mitrev S. 2001: Moznosti za primena na nekoi novi metodi za dobivawe na bezvirusen posadocen materijal. God. Zbor. IJZK Strumica 1: 37-45.

Pierik, R.L.M. 1998. In vitro Culture of Higer Plants. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherland.

Spasenoski M., Koleva-Gudeva Liljana 2002: Moznosti za vegetativno razmnozuvawe na karanfil Dianthus sp. vo uslovi in vitro: 1 vi Simpozium za Hortikultuta, 2002, Ohrid Makedonija, Zbornik na trudovi: 92-97.


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