The Health Condition of Pepper Plants in 2001 in Strumica District

  • Sasa Mitrev
  • Dusan Spasov


This study was undertaken to show survive of different pathogens on pepper plants Capsicum annuum L. and health condition of this plant in Strumica district. Pepper is a vegetable plant with great economic importance to the people in this region. The health condition of pepper plants was observed in the field, plastic tunnels and green houses. There were presented different plant diseases caused by fungi (Phytophthora capsici), bacteria (Xanthomonas vesicatoria, ), viruses (Cucumis mosaic virus - CMV, Alfalfa mosaic virus - AAMV and Tobacco mosaic virus - TMV) and pests (Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii). The laboratory determination of the fungi and bacteria were done. From the results of this examination we could concluded that viruses were most important pathogens in cultivation of pepper, and caused the great losses in Strumica district. But this year the situation with viruses was better then the other years in the past.


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