The Influence of Tomasphosafte and NPK Fertilizations of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics on Kurtovska Kapija

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Sasa Mitrev
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Conka Chebotareva


The main aim of the investigation was to consolidate the influence ofthe diferent dose of tomasphosfate and NPK fertilization of quantitative andqualitative characteristics on paper Kurtovska kapija, growing on the alluvialsoil in the region of Strumica.The experiment was established on examination fields of the Instituteof Southern crops-Strumica in accidental block system with four repetitons andwith size of experimental field parcel of 21 m2. Tomasphosfate was used inthree variants, in one were used dose with 900 kg/ha thomasphosfate, andanother two variants were used dose with 700 and 900 kg/ha and they werecombine with Uras 27% N 185 kg/ha. The NPK fertilizers was withcombination 8:16:24 and with dose 700 kg/ha.The results of all resarch variants of quantitative and qualitativecharacteristics on paper Kurtovska kapija were diferent and they showed directdepends with combination, doses, used fertilizers and climat conditions in theyear.The best overage yields gave the variant 4, where thomasphosfate wasused with 900 kg/ha+185 kg/ha Uras 27% N in two feedings and gave it theoverage yields of 26,7 t/ha which was for 3,5 t/ha or 15,09% more comparingwith overage yields on the control.Comparing with control, all fertilizer variants gave increasedpercentage of dry matter of 2,64 % to 10,40%.


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