Changes in Some Morphological and Biological Characteristics of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) under Influence of Biostimulation from Laser Light

  • Mite Ilievski


The main aim of the investigation was to consolidate the influence oflaser light on some morphological and biological characteristics of these potatosorts (Solanum tuberosum): Jaerla, Vineta, Karin, Red Scarlett end Resy. Since1999-2000 year the experiment was done on the field of Institute of Southerncrops-StrumicaThe examinations were done with laser-treated and untreated (controls)potato seed materials in two experiments, which were established on therandomized blokes in the three repetitions. The results showed thatbiostimulation from laser light significantly influence on morphological andbiological characteristics in investigation sorts. Under influence of laser lightthe sorts were had short period for growing up from 3,57% at the Resy to15,38% at to Vineta comparing with control. The plants high was more high,from 3,21% at the Karin to 11,45% at the Resy. At the treatmans of Jaerla andVineta comparing with control, this number is smoller for 1,77% and 0,46%.Vegetation period wasn't much change under influence of biostimulation and itmoving from 0,0% at the Resy to 3,09% at the Vineta comparing with control.


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