Variability of Some Phenotype Properties on Domestic Genotype Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

  • Verica Ilieva
  • Ilija Karov
  • Natalija Markova
  • Rubin Gulaboski


Ten domestic rice varieties (kocanski, No 51, osogovka, prima riska,biser-2, No 69, montessa, nada-115, ranka and B 30-303), and three lines ofspecial interest (79/22-2, 78/12-3-4 and 78/12-3-5) were evaluated in terms ofstem height, length and width of leaf, length of main panicle, number of grainsin the main panicle and weight of the grains of the main panicle. Among thetested genotypes, a signifi cant phenotypic diversity is established for all testedproperties. The coeffi cient of variation is the highest for leaf length (9.93%), andthe lowest for stem height (3.05%). According to the obtained results, tested ricegenotypes are signifi cantly potential for developing new selection populations.


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