Cotton Irrigation Regime under Conditions of Regulated Water Deficit

  • Ivan Saldzhiev
  • Dragica Spasova


Field trial on cotton (Perla cultivar) was carried out during the 2001-2006 period on leached vertisols under irrigation regime of sprinkling – 75 % of the fi eld moisture capacity (FMC) for the soil layer of 0-40 cm. The trial included the following variants: 1. Two irrigations of 400 mm per hectare – the fi rst one at the bud formation stage and the second – at the blooming stage; 2. Two irrigations of 400 mm – the fi rst one at the blooming stage and the second – at the boll formation stage; 3. Single irrigation of 500 mm at the blooming stage; 4. Single irrigation of 600 mm at the blooming – boll formations period; 5. Non-irrigated variant– standard. It was established that the best results were obtained at the variant with second time irrigation of 400 mm at the bud formation stage and at the blooming period. This irrigation provided 36.0 % (747 kg/ha) higher yield as compared to non-irrigated cotton. This irrigation regime realizes higher productivity per 1000 m3 per hectare irrigating water producing 934 kg/ha more seed cotton than the non-irrigated variant.


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