The Content of some Biogene Elements and other Physiological Characteristics of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) obtained In Vivo and In Vitro Conditions

  • Liljana Koleva Gudeva
  • Fidanka Trajkova
  • Mite Ilievski


Apical buds were isolated from aseptically germinated seeds of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), then they were cultivated on MS medium (Murashige and Skoog) with different concentrations and combinations of hormones. After four weeks, pepper shoots were obtained from apical buds in culture tissue in vitro conditions. After eight weeks the plantlets were transferred from sterile (laboratory) conditions in the laboratory to fi eld conditions where the regenerates became adapted to the environment. Growth regulators affect the translocation of mineral substances in the vegetative organs of plant species. The aim of this research was to determine the content of certain biogenic elements and some photosynthesis pigments in pepper produced in vivo and in vitro conditions. The results showed that the plants obtained of conventional production from in vivo conditions, which were used as a control, compared with in vitro obtained plants expressed signifi cant differences in only a few of the examined features. Differences occurred primarily due to different hormonal treatment in the stages of seedling preparation of the seedling. In vitro obtained plants have tended to preserve the juvenility characteristics i.e. rejuvenating, which characteristic is proved with the obtained results from the examined parameters.


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