Glukono-delta-lacton Infl Uence upon pH Changes in the Ripening Process of Rough Smoked Sausages

  • Aco Kuzelov
  • Dijana Trajcova
  • Natalija Markova
  • Biljana Balabanova


A lot of additives and supplements are added in the manufacturing process of rough smoked sausages. Some of the additives give the color, some are used as energy source for microorganisms, and some are used to decrease the pH of the mixture during the ripening process (smoking and drying). One of those additives is glukono-delta-lakton (GDL). The aim of this research is to determine the infl uence of different concentrations of GDL on pH changes in the fi lling of rough smoked sausages. For that end, four groups of products were made. The fi rst group was made without GDL; the other three groups were made with different concentrations of GDL. PH was monitored 2 hours after the sausage was fi lled, and then 7, 14, and 21 days after the fermentation.. The results were: quick decrease of pH and quite an acid taste in the fourth group which was produced with the biggest quantity of GDL. In the other three groups there was a small decrease of pH and weakly acid taste.


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