Fauna of the Species of Predator Family Chrysopidae at the Pepper in Strumica Region

  • Dusan Spasov


Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the main garden-stuff in the world. It is grown almost everywhere in the Republic of Macedonia, but it is most common in the Strumica-Radovis region, where it is grown on acreage of 2200 ha. The entomofauna of the pepper is composed of harmful and useful insects. Harmful insects are one of the main reasons for reducing the yield and the quality of the pepper. Useful insects (predators and parasites) have signifi cant role in bioregulation activity to harmful insects. Species whose hosts are phytophagous insects, important pests of the pepper, have practical importance. In the examinated localities Strumica, Vasilevo and Robovo four species of the predator family Chrysopidae were present Chrysopa carnea Steph., Chrysopa perla Linaeus, Chrysopa Formosa Brauer and Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael.


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