Business Informatics and Appropriate Logistics as a Challenge for Education or Economy Globalization in Macedonia

  • Boris Krstev
  • Aleksandar Krstev
  • Mirjana Golomeova
  • Afrodita Zendelska


In this paper will be shown the general concept of the techno-economicaldevelopment in R.Macedonia, as a result of the closed privatization andincluding the direct investment in the fi eld of education, economy and otherfi elds of interest. An explication of the state and public legislative in the higheducation (Bologna, EKTS, Curriculum of Business Informatics, Informaticsand IS, Business Logistics), the economy standards and laws, forеcasting ofnew technologies, environmental aspects, production of health foods, etc.


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How to Cite
Krstev, B., Krstev, A., Golomeova, M., & Zendelska, A. (2013). Business Informatics and Appropriate Logistics as a Challenge for Education or Economy Globalization in Macedonia. Natural Resources and Technology, 5(5). Retrieved from

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