The Influence of NPK Fertalizations, Mn and Zn on the Yield of Industrial Tomatoes

  • Vasil Kocevski
  • Sasa Mitrev
  • Milan Gjeorgjievski
  • Dusan Spasov
  • Dragica Spasova


The main aim of the investigation was to consolidate the influence of the middle dose of NPK fertilization, adequate of Mn and Zn on the yield of industrial tomatoes, on the alluvial soil in the region of Strumica. The experiment was established on the randomized blokes in the four repetitions. In this experiment was used the Italian sort of industrial tomato "AT - 7- 14". The mineral fertilizations are used in middle dose of 810 kg/ha or N100P100K150 and they increased the yields from 5 to 9 tones per hectare, comparing with the control. From the five variants wich were used in the experiment, it was obtained and fertilization (variant 2,3,4 and 5) with the variant without fertilization or control (variant 1) is very interesting. The variant 5 shows as better and the overage yields for 1998 of 95 600 kg/ha tomatoes, or for 24,64% more comparing with control variant wich gave the yield of 76 700 kg/ha tomatoes. In 1999 the variant 5 gave 98 500 kg/ha tomatoes or 36,80% more comparing with control wich gave 72 000 kg/ha tomatoes. The results of the experiment are the same for 2000, when the better variant was the variant 5 with 96 050 kg/ha or 11,88% more than the control wich gave 85 850 kg/ha. tomatoes. The use of Mn and Zn especially in the variant based on NPK fertilization showed very good results, but the variant in wich are used both elements (variant 5 - NPK +Mn + Zn) shows the better results.


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