The subject of this research is Pillow Man, a 2003 play written by Martin McDonagh. The work will be analyzed in terms of both, content and form during the study. Postdrama, tragedy and its parts, Jung's four archetypes, Foucault's prison theory, in-yer-face theatre, and Martin McDonagh's biography will be discussed. The study's goal will be to discover which currents affect today's theater, to determine whether old theater movements are still useful, and to bring to light how the theater has evolved in comparison to the past. Furthermore, how currents and modern morality affect theater plays will be examined in terms of Pillow Man, and the study will achieve its goal.
Keywords: In-yer-face theatre; Postdramatic; Pillow Man; Foucault.
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Milli Kurum Türk Tiyatrosu Tarihçesi, 4 Ocak 2023 yılında alınmış.
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