The Influence of Some Herbicides on Quality Characteristics of the Cotton

  • Dragica Spasova


In the period of 1998-2000 there were done the examinations with sevenherbicides variant (threephluraline, pendymethaline, metholaflore, linurone,phromrtrine, metholaflore + phromrtrine and achetodhlore) and tree controlvariant (with one digging up, with two diggings up and without digging up),with order to see the influence of the herbicides on the quality characteristics ofthe cotton.The efficient coefficient of control of the weeds in average is from76,5% in the metholaflore to 94,8% in the metholaflore + phromrtrine. Theexanimate weedkilers do not influence negatively on the cotton yield, neither onthe qualitative characteristics (length on the fibber, weight on the one capsuleand randeman).


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