The Influence of Growing System on Some Morphological and Producition Features of Soft Wheat

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Goce Vasilevski
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Milan Gjeorgjievski
  • Riste Kukutanov


During our research, we analyzed a great number of wheat genotypes, interms of morphological and productive features which directly or indirectlyaffect the yield. The aim of the analysis was to determine the differences thatappear as a result of the cultivation system, i.e. as a result of conventional andorganic production.The number of the spikelets in one spike in conditions of organicproduction (19,83) was higher, absolutely for 0,66 or relatively for 3,44%,than the conventional production (19,17).The number of grains in a spike in plants grown in conditions of organicproduction (50,77) was higher, absolutely for 2,1 or relatively for 4,31%,than the average number of grains in a spike in plants grown in conditions ofconventional production (48,67).Comparison of the average length of the wheat spike of plants grownin conditions of conventional and organic production, proved that in organicproduction (11,22 cm) it is longer, absolutely for 0,3 or relatively for 2,75%,than the conventional production (10,92 cm).An organic wheat production system provides better conditions fordevelopment of wheat, with regards to the listed parameters.


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