COCHLIOBOLUS SATIVUS (ITO. & KURIB) DRECHSLER EX DASTUR, Causer of Root Rot, Steam Rot and Leaf Lesions at Barley

  • Ilija Karov
  • Sasa Mitrev
  • Ljupco Mihajlov
  • Biljana Kovacevic
  • Daniela Ristova
  • Emilija Nakova


Diseased barley plants (Hordeum vulgare) were noticed in the area ofKumanovo at the beginning of March, 2008. The plants were highly diseased,probably in the stage of germination, dwarfed with necrotic leafs and very lowdeveloped root. We noticed a rot root collar in some plants and we were ableto dig them out of the soil very easily. Plants diseased in a later stage begin tobecome yellow from the top of the leaf and many brown to olivaceous ovalshape lesions were noticed. Conidia from Cochliobolus sativus (Ito. i Kurib)Drechsler ex Dastur. sin. Bipolaris sorokinianа (Sacc.) Shoen. were isolatedfrom symptomatic lesions. Pseudothecia with ascuses and ascospores fromtelemorfi c stage Helminthosporium sativum Pammel; King & Bakke werefound on the wheat straw from the previous year, in the same fi eld.


Agrios G.N. (1997): Plant Pathology 4th edition. Academic Press. San Diego 248-254.

Conner, R. L., and Atkinson, T. G. (1989): Infl uence of continuous cropping on severity of common root rot in wheat and barley. Can. J. Plant Pathology. 11:127-132.

Cook, R. J. Veseth, R. J. (1991): Wheat Health Management. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, p. 46;

Ivanović M. (2001): Mikoze biljaka, Beograd; Hill, J. P. and Blunt, D.L. (1994): Wheat seedling responses to root infection by Cochliobolus sativus and Fusarium acuminatum. Plant Disease, Vol. 78, No. 12, pp. 1150-1152.

Mathre D.E., Johnston R. H. and Grey W. E. (2003): Diagnosis of Common Root Rot of Wheat and Barley. Plant health Progress.


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