Examination of Vegetation Length, Genetic Potential for Brain and Possibilities for Introduction of Hybrid Maize Genotypes Produced in the Maize Institute -Kneza, R. Bugaria to the Strumica Region, R. Macedonia

  • Zivko Gacovski
  • Risto Kukutanov
  • Dusan Spasov
  • Daniela Ristova


Vegetation length, genetic potential for brain and possibilities for growing 5 hybrids made in the Maize Institute – Kneza, R. Bulgaria, have been studied. These hybrids belong to the maturity groups of FAO 500 (Kneza-511 and Kneza-512) and FAO 600 (Kneza-621, Kneza-630 and 683A). They were watered and they successfully completed the vegetation period in the Strumica region, reaching quite a good genetic brain potential. In the FAO 500 maturity group, the average vegetation length from sowing to technological maturity of the standard genotype hybrid Kneza 512 lasts a day longer. (Kneza-512 St - 136 days and Kneza-511, 135 days). In the FAO 600 maturity group, the average vegetation length of the standard genotype Kneza-630 is a day longer than the hybrid Kneza-621 and three days shorter than genotype Kneza-683 A (Kneza-630 St, 143 days, Kneza-621, 142 days and Kneza-683A, 146 days). In the FAO 500 maturity group, the standard hybrid Kneza-630 has the highest average genetic potential for brain of grain: 9 200 kg/ha with 18.6 % average moisture, whereas the genetic potential of the genotype Kneza -511,was 7 750 kg/ha with 18.4 % average moisture, i.e. 1450 kg/ha less yield of grain. The highest average genetic potential for brain of grain in the FAO 600 maturity group was achieved by the standard Kneza-683A, 11 600 kg/ha with 25% average moisture, followed by the genotype Kneza-621, 11 200 kg/ha with 20.5 % average moisture from. Compared with the standard genotype Kneza-630 St, 10 600 kg/ha with 22% average moisture , the yieald has been 1000 kg/ha higher than Kneza-683A and 600 kg/ha higher than Kneza-621 According to the obtained results we propose the hybrids Kneza-621 and Kneza-683A for manufactory and seed production in R. Macedonia.


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