About some educational goals in teaching-socio-cultural problem or a challenge modern education

  • Snezana Miraschieva
  • Emilija Petrova Gjorgjeva
  • Daniela Koceva


The primary issue which is in the focus of attention and is the objective of interest in this papercovers the scope of the educational side of teaching and refers to the work habits of students. Namely, one ofthe challenges of modern upbringing and education that is also a socio-cultural problem is the establishment ofstudents’ working habits. Education for work is one of the fundamental tasks of school, especially the formationof working habits. In fact, work habits are an integral part of the working culture of a person. The largest liferesults are the product more of hard work and less of inherited traits. Properly and timely adopted workinghabits are a prerequisite for successful advancement in life of every individual. Thus the goal of this paper is ina symbiotic way to present the process of establishing work habits in students not only as a socio-culturalproblem, but also as a challenge for all educational factors.


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