Teacher Competences Menager

  • Emilija Petrova Gorgeva
  • Tatjana Atanasoska


Managing the process of studying is a complicated and responsible job for whichthe teacher is in charge, and because of that it is necessary to have the knowledge andalso the skills that will help the teacher have an effective management of it. It is verycomplicated also because the teacher is in front of a group and individuals, in frontof jointly and individual methods, susceptibilities, interests, abilities. He is in front ofdifferent students that have different social background, different aspirations whichcan be theirs or of their parents, and above all he is in front of different studyingstyles. Constantly balancing among the aims of the society, the aspirations thatare prescribed to each school, the aims of the parents, aims of the students and atthe end the real possibilities of making all of that happen do not contribute to thecommodiousness of the situation in which the teacher is. He is always faced with thesame choice and selection of the offered scientific knowledge that he has to show tothe students and help them come to that, and most importantly is that he cannot be anordinary transmitter of knowledge, but to offer the most adequate ways of learningthat knowledge and in a way which that knowledge will become permanent and thestudents will be able to use it in their life. Managing the process of studying means anadequate choice of methods, making efficient plan for studying and teaching, to putshort-term, medium-term and long-term aims that are realistically realizable and areaccording to the real potentials of the students, which includes a realistic valuationof the accomplishments of the students, but also an evaluation of the whole process.


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