The Effect of Incubation Treatmen on the Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Androgenesis

  • Liljana Koleva-Gudeva


Genetics and breeders have a lot of troubles in obtaining of haploid plants. The number of plant species in which haploids in vivo spontaneous occurs is only bigger than 100, but this rule in the nature is very seldom. At the pepper the only type of explants, which formed somatic embryos are anthers, immature zygotic embryos and the callus formed from immature zygotic embryos. Androgenesis is new and assured method for creation of haploid plants, where the vegetative or generative nucleus from the pollen grain has been stimulated for developing in the haploid individual, without further fertilization. The purpose of this examination was to test the different incubation treatments in the anther culture in vitro of different pepper varieties.


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