What should modern school learn

  • Snezana Kirova
  • Dragana Kuzmanovska
  • Biljana Ivanova


Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fasttechnical and technological development that had not been experienced since the invention of the Gutenbergprinting press, imposed the necessity of appropriate changes in the organizational foundation of the school.The goal of these changes is to establish a process of continuous improvement of the work in the school whichon the other hand will bring forth quality in education. The school is asked to adjust and to reply to the moderndegree of development, to offer pleasant and warm atmosphere and to prepare students who will be able torespond to all challenges brought forth by the new times. For the school to gain the epithet modern, it has torespond to the challenges of the new times and to follow its footsteps. Modern school pushes down theboundaries imposed by the classical and traditional educational system. The formula of didactical trianglestudent-teacher-educational program is not changed, but the role of each participant is changed essentially.


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