Blaze Koneski is a prominent Macedonian poet, prose writer, essayist, philologist, literary historian, translator and one of the codifiers of the Macedonian literary language. Most of his poetic work is with patriotic motives, the songs are close to the people and through them he revives the history and tradition of the homeland. One such example is the anthological song "The Difficult". In it, through the traditional dance, the poet expresses his love for his homeland. The song begins with the trembling soul of the poet from the sounds of the dance that remind him of the difficult past of the homeland and its people. Then the dance continues calmly, but the cracking of the drum accelerates the rhythm of the dance, with young people joining it and turning the ground. Through the chain of slaves, Koneski represents the long-lasting bloody and dark slavery of the people. But the people are leading a rebellious dance that signifies freedom and a bright future.
Keywords: Blaze Koneski; poet; dance; love for the homeland.
Вангелов, Атанас (1981). Поетскиот израз на Блаже Конески. Скопје: Литературен збор.
Великанот од Небрегово (1991). Скопје: Огледало.
Ивановиќ, Радомир (1982). Поетиката на Блаже Конески. Скопје: Македонска ревија.
Матевски, Матеја (1981). Поезијата на Блаже Конески. Скопје: Мисла.
Мицковиќ, Слободан (1986). Поетските идеи на Конески. Скопје: Наша книга.
Ристески, Стојан (1980). Блаже Конески. Скопје: Просвета.