The Effect of Flowering Development Stages on the Flowering and Fertalization at Tomatoes (L. Esculentum) from the Aspect of Hetorosis Seedproduction

  • Milan Gjeorgjievski
  • Dobrin Jakimov
  • Vasil Kocevski
  • Mikica Cavdarova


Hybridization of 12 tomato varieties and lines has been done by partial dialel method. The influence of pollination in different flowering stages over the fertilized flowers has been analized. The results showed that flowering stage and castration are the most sucsesful in the begining of the third stage, early in the morning , with recommendation this stage to be repeted next day. The castration and flowering in the fourth stage should avoided, becouse the pollen bags have been broken and the pollen fly away wich resulted self flowering - self fertilization.


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