Interpretation of a lyric poem in IV and V grade

  • Blaze Kitanov
  • Irena Kitanova


Interpretation of a lyric poem covered by the curriculum of elementary education is a critical elementin the educational process of students in lower classes of elementary school. There are several models thatcan be used to interpret poems during a teaching lesson, but this paper will present only one example model.The teacher and his/her role in the implementation of all phases of the model in the course of a teachinglesson play a major role in a successful interpretation of a lyric poem.


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Китанов Б. (2006) “Книжевни прилози за наставата“, Педагошки факултет, Штип.

Китанов Б: (2001), “ Методика на наставата по македонски јазик со практикум ( од I до IV одделение), Педагошки факултет, Штип.

Kravar Z: (1986), “Uvod u knizevnosti”, Globus, Zagreb.


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