Compatibility of preschool and primary schoool curricula in R. Macedonia

  • Snezana Jovanova-Mitkovska
  • Biljana Popeska


Mutual comparison of curricula at different levels of education, as well as of individual teachingsubjects/educational spheres can serve as a foundation for improving the quality of the teaching and learningprocess in general. The analysis and comparison of teaching / subject programs should provide a thoroughunderstanding of their mutual similarities and differences in the direction of their improvement and it shouldfacilitate the vertical mobility of children / learners at different levels of education.In the article we present the results of the analyzed and compared programs for preschool andprimary education in the Republic of Macedonia, or more concretely, the analysis of curricula in mathematics,natural sciences and physical education and education for the first grade and the same programs for preschooleducation, and for education for a large group. The established similarities and differences are the basis forfurther changes, promotion of programs for pre-school upbringing and for their greater compatibility


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