The textbook "Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Sevelim, Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Öğrenelim! Come to love Turkish and Macedonian, come to learn Turkish and Macedonian" by Maria Leontic was published in 2015. It’s a Turkish-Macedonian textbook that would serve all who want to learn Turkish and/or Macedonian language on basic level, corresponding to the A1 and A2 levels set by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The textbook consists 241 pages divided into several sections, which besides the preface and information about the book, can be found: the list of symbols used in the book; user instructions, ten lessons presented with the communicative approach, which means that the contents of the lessons are close to reality and are enriched with a multitude of illustrative images. The textbook is a part of a book kit named "Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Sevelim, Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Öğrenelim! Come to love Turkish and Macedonian, come to learn Turkish and Macedonian", which further contains a workbook, phrasebook, vocabulary and grammar.